Monday, June 30, 2014

How Beautiful upon the Mountains shall They Be

I'm alive.

what a week!

I know that the Lord strengthens us and helps us have the energy and strength to continue forward, even when you are so exhausted that you almost fall asleep while giving a tour. Literally, i  found myself dreaming while taking a couple around the gallery, but somehow my mouth was still moving and i think i was making sense?! ha it has been a non-stop week, but one completely full of miracles.

Transfers was this week, and the dream team (Sister B and P) are separated. But i have a wonderful new companion, Sister Hanks! She is from Utah, and came out the transfer after me. She is an incredible missionary, and i am really excited to learn from her. I know that the Lord has prepared her her whole mission for this Sister Training Leader "calling" and i am really anxious for the miracles that we will see this transfer.

One of the biggest miracles this week just the amount of work that we were able to get done, regardless of the many tasks/responsibilities we needed to accomplish! Sister Brough and i, by thursday night, had already taught the amount of lessons/ seen everyone that we had planned for, for the entire week! It was remarkable, and such a tender mercy. I know that the Lord gave us that blessing and that because of our obedience and diligence, He completely consecrated the work we needed to do.

Fun Facts:

1. Transfer point: oh boy it was so ridiculous and hilarious! We went to the transfer point on friday to switch companions and also to help the new sisters find their companions and so forth. Well, as we are doing our "Hoorah for Israel" cheer in the gym of the church, we hear a big crash outside and realize that it is raining/thundering cats and dogs. We then spent the next hour in the POURING rain running back and forth trying to get everyone's luggage where it needed to be, getting the sisters to their right companions, and making sure that everyone was accounted for! it was CHAOS!! Sister Hanks and i, along with the assistants and some of the zone leaders were literally drenched from head to toe. i eventually just took off my shoes and was barefoot running around the church parking lot getting everything in order. it was nuts, but by far THE most memorable transfer point experience of my life. funniest part was after everyone was gone and all was done, it stopped pouring. of course! The Lord has a sense of humor.

2. Part B of 1. One of the new sisters, Sister Savage, lost her luggage in the frenzy of transfer point. We finally found it yesterday, but that added a whole new level of craziness as well. Thankfully sisters were able to lend her some clothes and make up/necessities, but talk about stressful for this poor new sister. We can laugh about it now, but it just added to the fun of the week!


1. Chris and his son Josh came to all three hours of church on Sunday! Ah! They loved it! After the sacrament was passed (the water), Josh leaned over to his dad and said "What do they pass next?". He then laid down on his dad's lap but shot up quickly and said "I like the Mormon church". it was miraculous. We were able to teach Chris this past week with Brother Piercy about the family, and the law of Chastity. always a scary topic, but it went perfectly. We bore powerful testimony about the blessings that come into our lives as we obey this commandment, and helped him see the importance of him and Girly getting married. He is all game so we will see what continues to happen. Continue to pray for him, he will need it as he makes these big changes in his life! 

2. Lena came to church this week, along with the relief society activity! We had a really fun activity with s'mores and "pinterest" drinks. Lena loved it. She is still pretty anxious whenever she comes to activities/church, but she is slowly making progress. We are hoping to set her for baptism this week!

3. Jessica - ah i love her. She is a less active/returning member who we have worked with since i have been in the ward. She has had some really unfortunate things happen to her her whole life, but especially in the past few weeks. Sister Brough and i have gone over to her house 5+ times within the past 2 weeks, left notes, called, banged on her windows even (!), and still no answer from her. We have been praying so hard for her and praying that she was ok. She has major depression and so of course our thoughts were the worst. But the day we found out sister Brough was being transferred, we prayed that we would be able to see Jessica. We went over there, and she came to the door! it was SO miraculous. We gave her a cardigan for church, and helped her feel the spirit again. She is struggling so bad.. but it made my day as i saw her walk into church on sunday, first time in WEEKS, wearing her new cardigan, with her two kids. It was such a blessing. And i know that the Lord is so aware of her! She is so strong, and i am so grateful that she realizes backing away from God never solves the problem - as we turn to Him, that is when we can be supported through our trials.

There were so many other miracles this week. It was incredible. I am grateful that i have this time to become who the Lord wants me to become. I took a senior couple on tour on saturday who were coming home from their mission in West Virginia. They talked to me all about how sad it makes them when missionaries come home and they revert back to their old ways and it was like nothing happened out here. I pray that that doesnt happen to me. I know that i have truly been changed, and that the Savior's infinite atonement has healed me. I i know that it will continue to do so. 

I love you all! Thank you for your prayers, i have desperately needed them! Hoorah For Israel!

Sister Peterson

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